@article{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00000860, author = {田中, ゆかり and 林, 直樹 and 前田, 忠彦 and 相澤, 正夫 and TANAKA, Yukari and HAYASHI, Naoki and MAEDA, Tadahiko and AIZAWA, Masao}, issue = {11}, journal = {国立国語研究所論集, NINJAL Research Papers}, month = {Jul}, note = {日本大学, 日本大学, 統計数理研究所, 国立国語研究所 時空間変異研究系, Nihon University, Nihon University, The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Department of Language Change and Variation, NINJAL, 2015年8月に実施した,全国に居住する20歳以上の男女約1万人から回答を得たWeb調査に基づく最新の全国方言意識調査の概要と「方言・共通語意識」項目についての報告,ならびにその結果を用いた地域類型の提案を行う。 「方言・共通語意識」項目は,「生育地に方言はあると思うか」「生育地の方言は好きか」「共通語は好きか」「ふだんの生活における共通語と方言を使う割合はどのくらいか」「ふだんの生活において共通語と方言の使い分けをしているか」「場面(相手)により生育地方言をどの程度使うか」の6項目である。これらについて,回答者の生育地と年代,生育地の生え抜きか否かに注目した分析を行った。その上でこの6項目の相互の関係から,12の地域は大きく7タイプ(首都圏・北海道/東北/北関東・甲信越・東海/近畿・中国/九州/北陸・四国/沖縄),細かく9タイプ(首都圏・北海道/東北/北関東/甲信越/東海/近畿・中国/九州/北陸・四国/沖縄)に分類された。, This paper is based on a web survey conducted in August 2015. The data was collected from over ten thousand people above the age of twenty living in Japan. This paper summarizes the results of this survey, emphasizing on the most recent consciousness of regional dialects and common language usage, and proposes a regional grouping based on the analysis of the data. The "regional dialects and common language consciousness" part of the survey included six questions: "Do you think your hometown has a dialect?" "Do you like the dialect of your hometown?" "Do you like the common language?" "Do you use both a regional dialect as well as the common language in daily life?" "What is the proportion of use of common language in your daily life, in relation to your native dialect?" "How often do you use your native dialect when speaking with someone in your family/from the same region/from elsewhere?" The results were analyzed by focusing on the subjects' birthplace, age, and whether or not they lived in the region of their birth. The answers to the aforementioned six questions were hence grouped into seven types based on 12 regions: (1) Tokyo metropolitan area and Hokkaido; (2) northeastern Japan or the Tohoku region; (3) northern Kanto, Koshin'etsu, and Tokai (both subregions of central Japan); (4) Kinki, Chugoku; (5) Kyushu; (6) Hokuriku, Shikoku; (7) Okinawa. A more detailed regional classification of the results in nine groups is as follows: (1) Tokyo metropolitan area and Hokkaido; (2) northeastern Japan or the Tohoku region; (3) northern Kanto; (4) Koshin'etsu; (5) Tokai; (6) Kinki and Chugoku; (7) Kyushu; (8) Hokuriku and Shikoku; (9) Okinawa., application/pdf}, pages = {117--145}, title = {1万人調査からみた最新の方言・共通語意識 : 「2015年全国方言意識Web調査」の報告}, year = {2016}, yomi = {タナカ, ユカリ and ハヤシ, ナオキ and マエダ, タダヒコ and アイザワ, マサオ} }