@article{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00000734, author = {熊谷, 康雄 and KUMAGAI, Yasuo}, issue = {1}, journal = {国語研プロジェクトレビュー, NINJAL Project Review}, month = {Jun}, note = {国立国語研究所時空間変異研究系, 『日本言語地図』のデータベース化(『日本言語地図』データベース,LAJDB)の概略を説明し,3年間の本プロジェクト期間中に整備を進め,利用可能となった項目(119項目)の一部を利用した計量的な分析の事例として,標準語形の使用数の地理的な分布を示した。これにより,『日本言語地図』がデータベース化されることの意味とこれが生み出す新しい研究の広がりの一端に触れた。, The Linguistic Atlas of Japan (LAJ, 6 vols.) was published from 1966 to 1974 by the National Language Research Institute, the present NINJAL. In 1999, we started constructing the Linguistic Atlas of Japan Database (LAJDB). In this three-year project, we accelerated the construction process. Various quantitative studies have been done on LAJ since its publication, but the lack of data in digital form has restricted the development of such quantitative research. As a case study of quantitative analysis using LAJDB, we made some observations on the geographical distribution of the frequency (GDF) of standard forms. The GDF of standard forms for each locality showed clear patterns which could not be obtained from the prefecture-unit calculations of former studies. Such "high resolution" patterns obtained from LAJDB enable us to trace diffusion routes more precisely. We compared these geographical distributions with the network of roads and so on, and found interesting relationships among them., application/pdf}, pages = {1--9}, title = {〈共同研究プロジェクト紹介〉独創・発展型 : 大規模方言データの多角的分析 『日本言語地図』のデータベース化が開く新たな研究}, volume = {4}, year = {2013}, yomi = {クマガイ, ヤスオ} }