@article{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00000532, author = {浅井, 淳 and ASAI, Atsushi}, issue = {7}, journal = {国立国語研究所論集, NINJAL Research Papers}, month = {May}, note = {大同大学, Daido University, 日本語の連濁現象に関して実際に使われたデータを調べたところ,1)形態素が2モーラの場合に連濁を受けにくくなる傾向,2)いわゆるライマンの法則が形態素境界を越えて一定程度で前部要素に及ぶ傾向,3)歯茎から硬口蓋の調音点で連濁語率が低くなる傾向,4)h>w変化がh>b変化を補うように使用される傾向,5)よく使われる形が安定である例が得られた。これらの結果に対して,1)2モーラ構造の音韻的安定性,2)有声性に関する阻害音の排他性,3)Corの音韻的安定性,4)[h]>[w]変化が連濁と併存する条件,および5)合成語形の定着について述べた。, The present study aims to survey the productivity of rendaku, a sequential voicing phenomenon in Contemporary Tokyo Japanese, based on a set of data compiled from general print media. The data show the phonological stability of the two-mora structure and the coronal place feature. The exclusion principle pertaining to [voice] in obstruents functions without exception within the final element of the native lexical stratum and, to a lesser degree, between those obstruents and the adjacent mora of the preceding element, even across morpheme junctures. Morpheme compounding can cause voiceless obstruents to change not only into their voiced counterparts but also into approximants under specific phonotactic conditions, and can likely fix those patterns, especially in cases involving highly frequent compounds., application/pdf}, pages = {27--44}, title = {連濁生起の傾向と定着化}, year = {2014}, yomi = {アサイ, アツシ} }