@article{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00000517, author = {鄧, 牧 and DENG, Mu}, issue = {6}, journal = {国立国語研究所論集, NINJAL Research Papers}, month = {Nov}, note = {中南大学, Central South University, 先行研究では,大正期に入ってから,外来語は本格的に増加し始めたとされる。本研究では,日本初の外来語辞典及び新語辞典を含めた,大正期に刊行された10種の新語辞典を調査対象に17911語を抽出し,大正期を初期・中期・後期に分けてこの時期の外来語の増加について計量的考察を行った。新語辞典による調査を通して,大正初期の新語辞典に見られる外来語は,抽出語全体の8割近くを占めていることが明らかになり,その多くは明治期,及び明治以前の時代から日本語に入ったものだと考えることができた。そして,大正初期・中期・後期という時代ごとにそれぞれの特徴が観察された。, According to previous research, the early Taisho period marked the beginning of a dramatic increase in loanwords in Japanese. The investigation reported in this paper used 10 new-word dictionaries to extract a sample of 17,911 loanwords. The Taisho period was divided into three sub-periods (early, mid, and late), and each sub-period was examined quantitatively. The results show that about 80 percent of the loanwords in the sample were listed in the early Taisho sources, which means that many of them were borrowed into Japanese in the Meiji period or earlier. In addition, each sub-period of the Taisho period showed different characteristics., application/pdf}, pages = {1--18}, title = {大正期における外来語の増加に関する計量的分析}, year = {2013} }