@article{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00000510, author = {崔, 文姫 and CHOI, Moonhee}, issue = {5}, journal = {国立国語研究所論集, NINJAL Research Papers}, month = {May}, note = {首都大学東京, Tokyo Metropolitan University, 本稿は,日本語学習者(以下,「学習者」)の発話に対する日本語教師(以下,「教師」)と非日本語教師(以下,「非教師」)の評価の因果関係を明らかにすることを目的とし,共分散構造分析の因果モデルによる検証を行う。その結果,教師は『個人的親しみやすさ』『言語能力』『社会的望ましさ』『待遇性』『活動性』『パラ言語能力』,非教師は『個人的親しみやすさ』『言語能力』『社会的望ましさ』『パラ言語能力』『話し手の方略』『活動性』という異なった観点を基に評価を行うことが分かった。また,それぞれの評価の観点は互いに影響し合い,複雑に絡み合い,学習者への印象につながることが確認された。とりわけ,両者ともに,学習者の『言語能力』が『パラ言語能力』と『個人的親しみやすさ』および『活動性』という印象の評価につながり,特に『パラ言語能力』に与える影響が一番大きいことが明らかになった。さらに,その『パラ言語能力』が,母語話者が学習者に対して抱く印象すべてに大きく影響を及ぼすことも,両者に共通している。教師のみに現れた特徴は,学習者の『待遇性』に関わるパスである。『待遇性』が学習者の『パラ言語能力』と『社会的望ましさ』の印象に影響を与え,『言語能力』とは互いに影響し合う関係(正の相関)が現れた。一方,非教師のみに現れた特徴は,学習者の『話し手の方略』に関わるパスである。学習者の『話し手の方略』が,『言語能力』との間で高い負の相関を見せ,学習者の『パラ言語能力』と『社会的望ましさ』や『個人的親しみやすさ』の印象に弱い影響を与えていることが判明した。, This paper investigates cause-and-effect relationships in Japanese teachers' and non-teachers' evaluations of Japanese learners' utterances by using covariance structure models. We will see that the two groups of native speakers base their evaluations on different sets of parameters. The teacher group makes use of "individual familiarity," "linguistic competence," "social expectations," "politeness," "activeness" and "paralinguistic competence," while the non-teacher group uses "individual familiarity," "linguistic competence," "social expectations," "paralinguistic competence," "speaker's strategy" and "activeness." Also, the two sets of parameters affect each other in a complicated manner in leading to the impressions that the evaluators form of the learners. Specifically, for both groups of evaluators the learners' linguistic competence, paralinguistic competence, individual familiarity and activeness lead to good impressions. The "paralinguistic competence" parameter, in particular, has the most significant effect on evaluation, and greatly affects every aspect of impression formation. We will see that the teacher group shows significant paths with respect to politeness; "politeness" has negative effects on "paralinguistic competence" and "social expectations," and there is a positive relationship between "politeness" and "linguistic competence." On the other hand, non-teachers show significant paths concerning "speaker's strategy." There is a highly negative relationship between "speaker's strategy" and "linguistic competence," and the parameter has weakly negative effects on "paralinguistic competence," "social expectations" and "individual familiarity.", application/pdf}, pages = {1--26}, title = {日本語学習者の発話に対する日本語母語話者の評価 : 日本語教師と非日本語教師の因果モデルを中心に}, year = {2013} }