@article{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00000474, author = {清水, 政明 and SHIMIZU, Masaaki}, issue = {9}, journal = {国立国語研究所論集, NINJAL Research Papers}, month = {Jul}, note = {大阪大学, Osaka University, 従来上古ベトナム語(AV)の再建にしばしば字喃が利用されてきたが,子音連続など限られた音韻特徴が言及されるに止まった。本稿では,漢文・字喃文対訳『佛説大報父母恩重經』所収の字喃を基礎データとしFerlus(2009)のProto Viet-Muong(PVM)の再構音を参照しつつ,AV頭子音の体系の再建を試みた。結果,2音節語の分析により摩擦音化の過程が実証されたのみならず,頭子音全体の体系を示すに至った。今後も同様の資料を分析することにより,PVMから中古ベトナム語(17C)への変遷を解明する重要な鍵が得られると期待される。, In previous research concerning the Ancient Vietnamese phonology using Chu Nom materials, only a few features, such as initial consonant clusters, have been considered. This study aims to reconstruct the phonological system of Ancient Vietnamese initials, using the Sino-Vietnamese version of the Buddhist sutra Phat Thuyet Dai Bao Phu Mau An Trong Kinh 佛説大報父母恩重經, as well as the Proto Viet-Muong phonemes established by Ferlus (2009). The Chu Nom characters examined in this study allow us to consider topics such as spirantization and the voicing of medial consonants - possible thanks to the existence of a number of disyllabic words contained therein. Linguistic analysis of such texts does and will play an important role in filling the missing link between Proto Viet-Muong and Middle Vietnamese (17C)., application/pdf}, pages = {135--158}, title = {字喃資料を用いた上古ベトナム語頭子音の再構}, year = {2015}, yomi = {シミズ, マサアキ} }