@article{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00003579, author = {HORN, Stephen Wright and 阪倉, 篤義 and SAKAKURA, Atsuyoshi}, journal = {先駆的名論文翻訳シリーズ, Pioneering Linguistic Works in Japan}, month = {Jun}, note = {application/pdf, ORIGINAL PAPER 阪倉篤義, 1975, 「条件表現の変遷」, 『文章と表現』第3章第4節, 角川書店, pp. 255-273. SAKAKURA Atsuyoshi, 1975, Jōken Hyōgen no Hensen, Chapter 3, Section 4, Bunshō to hyōgen, Kadokawa Shoten, pp. 255-273. Translated by Stephen Wright HORN Proofed by John H. Haig (University of Hawai'i at Manoa)}, pages = {1--27}, title = {条件表現の変遷}, year = {2022} }