@book{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00003542, author = {国立国語研究所 and The National Language Research Institute}, month = {Mar}, note = {Aguranabe (3 books, 5 volumes) is a representative work of KANAGAKI Robun which was published 1890-1891. It is noted for its distinction in the speech used by men and women of different social classes who appeared at a gyûnabe restaurant. The present index of terms is composed of an introduction, a list of common examples, the main text, and the index. In the introduction, we explained particular features associated with using Aguranabe as data for the Japanese language, the different editions of Aguranabe, and the procedure followed in preparing the index. In the main text, we reprinted a half-size reduced copy of the edition chosen for this study which is preserved in the National Library of Congress. The index is divided into an index of independent words and an index of auxiliaries and affixes, its entries give the character representation (and variants) and it has the special feature of specifying the source of the entries according to whether they occurred in conversation, narrative, poems, etc. This research was directed by YAMADA Iwao, KENBÔ Hidetosi, SAIGA Hideo, HIDA Yosihumi, and KAZIWARA Kôtarô., application/pdf, 執筆: 斎賀秀夫,飛田良文,梶原滉太郎}, publisher = {国立国語研究所}, title = {牛店雜談 安愚樂鍋 用語索引}, year = {1974}, yomi = {コクリツコクゴケンキュウジョ} }