@article{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00003029, author = {Lawrence, Wayne and 宮田, 幸一 and MIYATA, Koichi}, journal = {先駆的名論文翻訳シリーズ, Pioneering Linguistic Works in Japan}, month = {Sep}, note = {application/pdf, ORIGINAL PAPER 宮田幸一, 1927, 「新しいアクセント觀とアクセント表記法」, 三宅武郎(編)『音声の研究』1, pp. 18-22, 音聲學協會. MIYATA, Kōichi, 1927, Atarashī akusento-kan-to akusento-hyōkihō, In MIYAKE, Takeo (Ed.), Onsei-no Kenkyū I, Onseigaku kyōkai, pp. 18-22. Translated by Wayne Lawrence (The University of Auckland) Proofed by Timothy J. Vance (Komatsu University)}, pages = {1--5}, title = {新しいアクセント觀とアクセント表記法}, year = {2020} }