@article{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00003023, author = {Kumagai, Yasuo}, issue = {Special issue 8}, journal = {Dialectologia}, month = {Dec}, note = {application/pdf, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, This paper discusses two research projects related to Takesi Sibata and Willem A. Grootaers: The S&K network method and the Linguistic Atlas of Japan Database (LAJDB). The S&K network method was proposed by Sibata to objectively divide dialect areas. The original idea demonstrated by Sibata involved dialect division through a network of linguistic similarities drawn on a map. The LAJDB is a project that aims to digitally render the entirety of the information contained in the Linguistic Atlas of Japan (LAJ). The LAJ is japan's first nationwide linguistic atlas created on the basis of a linguistic geographical survey. Sibata and Grootaers were pivotal to the project. This paper focuses on several concepts and perspectives that were utilized for these projects: contact, network, people, and geographical space. These aspects were essential to the advancement of these research initiatives and are closely linked to their common spirit of linguistic studies.}, pages = {117--144}, title = {Contact, network, people, and geographical space : Perspectives on the S&K network method and the Linguistic Atlas of Japan Database}, year = {2019} }