@techreport{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00002358, author = {国立国語研究所 and The National Language Research Institute}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, The National Language Research Institute Data Source 6, Word List by Semantic Principles is a list of approximately 32,600 recorded vocabulary categorized according to meaning. The present data base makes it possible to use Data Source 6 on the computer by moving it onto a floppy disk in almost the exact form of the original. The Word List by Semantic Principles is the same as that of the 31st printing in 1997, and is used as a dictionary of expressions in a wide area of research as basic data for selection of basic vocabulary (its original purpose) and as a measure for investigating particular characteristics of expressions used in literary works, as well as in research on the distribution of dialects, and in Japanese language education, Japanese language processing research, etc. Recently this floppy disk version has been made available for public use in response to the needs of users who frequently use computers for research in these areas.}, title = {[フロッピー版] 分類語彙表 国立国語研究所編 解説書}, year = {1994} }