@techreport{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00002357, author = {国立国語研究所 and The National Language Research Institute}, month = {Oct}, note = {application/pdf, Results of the compilation of the vocabulary used in 90 representative varieties of general magazines published in 1956 were previously published in Vocabulary and Chinese Characters in Ninety Magazines of Today, Volumes 1, 2, 3 (Reports 21, 22, 25; 1962-1964). These results have been favorably evaluated over the twenty years since their publication, despite the facts that the vocabulary items which were used less than 6 times were not reported and, for most of the words, the word usages/contexts in which they appeared were not published. The context concordance cards, numbering over 500,000, which formed the basis of this research, contain the context for each appearance of the vocabulary item and in general have also been widely recognized for their usefulness. In particular, they have increasingly been requested for use in research on lexical syntax. The present project was carried out in response to these requests as well as to prevent the damage which accompanies use of these cards. The Vocabulary Table is 1,200 notebook pages long and the context concordance cards, B7-size cards, number up to about 500,000. Both have been copied onto microfiche, in the 98 frame mode; the quantity is as follows. Vocabulary Table Arranged in the Order of the Japanese 50-Kana Syllabary, 13 sheets Context Concordance Cards Listed in Accordance with the Vocabulary Table, 914 sheets ISII Hisao and MIYAZIMA Tatuo directed this research.}, title = {現代雑誌九十種の用語用字 五十音順語彙表・採集カード マイクロフィッシュ 解説}, year = {1987} }