@book{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00002294, author = {国立国語研究所 and The National Language Research Institute}, month = {Jan}, note = {[Texts of tape-recorded conversations in Japanese dialects 1-10 (Source 10-1~10-10)] The Department of Language Change (Section 1) collected and transcribed data from dialects of all regions according to a three-year plan starting in 1974. This research progressed in cooperation with the present National Language Research Institute’s regional researchers with the goals of recording the nation’s regional dialects, which are presently rapidly dying out, in their natural live state, compiling them and making them into the National Language Research Institute’s basic data (tape-recordings and transcriptions with standard Japanese translations and notes). Conversational data from the regions listed below have been published with an accompanying cassette tape. 1. Yamagata Prefecture, Gunma Prefecture, and Nagano Prefecture 2. Nara Prefecture, Kôti Prefecture, and Nagasaki Prefecture 3. Aomori Prefecture, Niigata Prefecture, and Aiti Prefecture 4. Hukui Prefecture, Kyôto Prefecture, and Simane Prefecture 5. Iwate Prefecture, Miyagi Prefecture, Tiba Prefecture, and Sizuoka Prefecture 6. Tottori Prefecture, Ehime Prefecture, Miyazaki Prefecture, and Okinawa Prefecture 7. Conversations Between Older and Younger Subjects: Aomori Prefecture, Iwate Prefecture, Niigata Prefecture, Tiba Prefecture, Sizuoka Prefecture, Nagano Prefecture, Aiti Prefecture, and Hukui Prefecture 8. Conversations Between Older and Younger Subjects: Gunma Prefecture, Nara Prefecture, Tottori Prefecture, Simane Prefecture, Ehime Prefecture, Kôti Prefecture, Nagasaki Prefecture, and Okinawa Prefecture 9. Dialogues in Set Scenarios 10. Dialogues in Set Scenarios 2 HIDA Yosihumi, SATÔ Ryôiti, SAWAKI Motoei, KOBAYASI Takasi, SIRASAWA Hiroe, IITOYO Kiiti, TOKUGAWA Munemasa, and SANADA Sinzi directed the editing of this report., application/pdf}, publisher = {国立国語研究所}, title = {方言談話資料(9) : 場面設定の対話 青森・群馬・千葉・新潟・長野・静岡・愛知・福井・奈良・鳥取・島根・愛媛・高知・長崎・沖縄}, year = {1987}, yomi = {コクリツコクゴケンキュウジョ} }