@book{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00002284, author = {国立国語研究所 and The National Language Research Institute}, month = {Mar}, note = {These materials contain examples of problematical verbs and adjectives related to various types of problems met in the study of the meaning and use of verbs and adjectives being carried out at the National Language Research Institute. They are derived from the example cards used in the above-mentioned Reports 43 and 44, which were extracted from 52 modern literary works (approximately 330,000 cards); scientific reports, editorials, and essays (approximately 60,000 cards); 90 magazines published in 1956, and various magazines published in 1953-1954. This book is composed of four parts. In Part I, 1,540 words are listed along with several examples of usage for each word. Since it was impossible to publish all of the examples of usage, other common words appearing in even the smallest dictionaries were left out of consideration. Part II contains examples of approximately 660 verbs and adjectives which have 2 or more readings for the Chinese characters used in writing them. For example, 通って can be read as 'kayotte' or 'tôtte', and 甘い as 'amai' or 'umai'. Part III contains examples of approximately 490 verbs for which the information given in various dictionaries concerning their status as transitive or intransitive verbs is uncertain. These examples have been selected on the basis of their value in making decisions concerning such problems. Part IV is a list of verbs and adjectives arranged in the so-called gozyûon order based on the reversed syllabic spelling of the words. This list can be used for investigating word forms, word endings, etc. NISIO Toraya and MIYAZIMA Tatuo were in charge of the study., application/pdf, 執筆: 西尾寅弥,宮島達夫}, publisher = {秀英出版}, title = {動詞・形容詞問題語用例集}, year = {1971}, yomi = {コクリツコクゴケンキュウジョ} }