@book{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00002282, author = {国立国語研究所 and The National Language Research Institute}, month = {Mar}, note = {This dictionary lists approximately 15,000 words of the dialect of Syuri, the old capital of Okinawa (now incorporated into Naha City). This dialect is the leading mode of speech of the Ryukyu Archipelago. The dictionary gives a phonological transcription, with tone marks, of all the words, and adds the traditional Ryukyuan transcription in kana for words found in poems and plays written in the Syuri dialect. The work has also the following appendices: (a) Linguistic introduction, with an exposition of the features of the Syuri dialect, especially of the phonology and the morphology of verbs and adjectives, (b) A list of place-names of the Ryukyus, with maps. This work is based on a manuscript submitted to the National Language Research Institute by SIMABUKURO Seibin, a specialist in Ryukyuan literature who was born in Syuri. A further survey was carried out by the Institute in cooperation with the writer and with HIKA Syuntyô, a well-known historian from Syuri. The appendices were added and the work was completely revised, however, by UEMURA Yukio of the Institute., application/pdf, 第9刷刊行に当たっての序あり}, publisher = {財務省印刷局}, title = {沖繩語辞典}, year = {2001}, yomi = {コクリツコクゴケンキュウジョ} }