@article{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00002218, author = {山中, 信彦 and 安田, 美幸 and YAMANAKA, Nobuhiko and YASUDA, Miyuki}, journal = {日本語科学, Japanese Linguistics}, month = {Oct}, note = {埼玉大学, 株式会社角産, Saitama University, Kakusan Co., Ltd., 原型意味論の立場から「まじめ」が表す意味範疇の原型は「自己基準」「社会基準」を共に満たすような態度であると仮定した。大学生119名を対象に質問紙調査を行い,まず多数の仮想の状況の中で行動する多数の人物について,「まじめ」という形容がどの程度当てはまるか判定させた。その結果,自己基準と社会基準を共に満たす行動パターンの得点が最も高く,自己基準と社会基準のどちらも満たさない行動パターンの得点が最も低かったので,仮説は裏付けられた。また,自己基準だけを満たす行動パターンに比べ社会基準だけを満たす行動パターンの方が得点が高かった。次に回答者自身が「まじめだね/ふまじめだね」と言われた場合,どの程度うれしく感じるか評価させた。概して「まじめ」と言われた場合の方が「ふまじめ」と言われた場合よりも得点が高かったが,それは「どちらとも言えない」にあたる点数を大きく超えてはいなかった。調査全体を通じて「まじめ」に関して大学生が持つ規範意識が観察された。'規範的'という意味の記述を欠く辞書の改訂が望まれる。, The Japanese word majime may mean either 'earnest' or 'normative' depending on the context. In a previous paper Yamanaka (1997) argued that these two meanings could be derived from one sememe 'ready to behave in accordance with an accepted standard, based on a full knowledge of that standard'. Based on this, we formulated a prototype for majime, consisting of two elements: the fulfillment of a self standard and that of a social standard. In this paper, we examine actual uses of majime based on a survey of 119 university students. First, hypothetical situations which described acts embodying four combinations of these two elements were presented to subjects, to be judged on the degree to which the character in the situation could be said to be majime. The situations containing and lacking both elements received the highest and lowest scores respectively. Also, the situations only fulfilling a social standard received higher scores than those only fulfilling a self standard. Next, subjects were asked how pleasant they felt if they were told that they were majime/fumajime. On the whole, the responses to majime showed higher scores than the responses to fumajime, but only slightly higher than the score corresponding to the response "I can't say". We conclude not only that the prototype theory of majime is confirmed but also that university students are sensitive to social standards included in the meaning of the word majime, which should be mentioned in its semantic description in dictionaries., application/pdf}, pages = {31--53}, title = {「まじめ」の原型意味論 : 大学生質問紙調査に見られる規範意識}, volume = {24}, year = {2008}, yomi = {ヤマナカ, ノブヒコ and ヤスダ, ミユキ} }