@article{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00002195, author = {丸山, 岳彦 and 田野村, 忠温 and MARUYAMA, Takehiko and TANOMURA, Tadaharu}, journal = {日本語科学, Japanese Linguistics}, month = {Oct}, note = {国立国語研究所, 大阪大学, National Institute for Japanese Language, Osaka University, 現在国立国語研究所において構築が進められている「現代日本語書き言葉均衡コーパス」が2011年に完成し,日本語初の大規模な均衡コーパスを誰もが利用できるようになる。これにより,諸外国,諸外国語に大幅な遅れを取っていた日本語のコーパス言語学的な研究は,新たな段階を迎えるものと期待される。「コーパス日本語学の射程」と題した本特集の巻頭論文として,本稿では日本語研究におけるコーパスの利用の歴史を振り返り,将来の展望やコーパスの利用をめぐって注意すべきいくつかの問題について述べるとともに,特集に収めた各論文について簡単に紹介する。, Japanese corpus linguistics will soon come of age. The Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese (BCCWJ), which is being built in a five-year project of the National Institute for Japanese Language at present, will be completed and published in 2011. As the long-awaited first ever balanced corpus of Japanese, BCCWJ is expected to open up a new era of corpus linguistic studies of the Japanese language, which admittedly have been far behind the times on international standards. In this editorial essay to the special issue devoted to Japanese corpus linguistics, we briefly sketch the history of the use of electronic corpora in the study of Japanese, discuss some of the issues which will need to be borne in mind when we use corpora, as well as summarize each of the papers included in the special issue., application/pdf}, pages = {5--12}, title = {コーパス日本語学の射程}, volume = {22}, year = {2007}, yomi = {マルヤマ, タケヒコ and タノムラ, タダハル} }