@article{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00002189, author = {畠山, 真一 and HATAKEYAMA, Shin-ichi}, journal = {日本語科学, Japanese Linguistics}, month = {Apr}, note = {尚絅大学, Shokei University, 高知方言は,ル形,ユウ形,チュウ形が対立する三項対立型のアスペクト体系を持つ。本論文は,高知方言に見られるユウ形とチュウ形の対立と中和の記述を通して,(1)状態動詞が一時性を表現するタイプと恒常性を表現するタイプに二分されること,(2)ユウ形とチュウ形の対立の中和現象は,変化結果後の状況が状態性と動作性という二面性を持つことに起因すること,(3)従来そのアスペクト的な位置付けが不明確であった動詞群の一部が主体(客体)変化結果維持動詞であることを主張する。, Unlike Tokyo dialect, Kochi dialect has a ternary aspectual system which consists of ru-form (perfective), yu-form (imperfective), and chu-form (perfect). Based on the analysis of the opposition between yu-form and chu-form and of neutralization of them, this paper argues the following: (1) The aspectual system of Kochi dialect gives morphological evidence to the proposal that stative verbs are classified into two types, stative verbs denoting temporary states and those denoting constant characters. (2) Neutralization of yu-form and chu-form is mainly observed in verbs denoting both change of states and activities of maintaining the resultative states. This phenomenon results from coidentification of the resultative phases denoted by this type of verbs and the activity phases denoted by them. (3) Verbs denoting natural phenomenon, verbs denoting long-term activities, and psych-verbs should be categorized as verbs denoting both change of states and activities of maintaining the resultative states., application/pdf}, pages = {65--88}, title = {高知方言のアスペクト形式と時間性に基づく動詞分類}, volume = {21}, year = {2007}, yomi = {ハタケヤマ, シンイチ} }