@article{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00002170, author = {矢島, 正浩 and YAJIMA, Masahiro}, journal = {日本語科学, Japanese Linguistics}, month = {Apr}, note = {愛知教育大学, Aichi University of Education, 関西語の仮定条件のある用法部分では,明治期を境にしてナラの代わりにタラを多用するようになる。本稿では,その交代に関わって,以下のことを論じる。(1)ナラ条件句にはI先行事実や実情を受ける用法と,II状況を設定して受ける用法がある。近世期にはタラヘの交代がIIの中でも[設定]の特性を有する例で先行して起こり,体言類を受ける場合は断定+タラに,活用語を受ける場合は直接タラに交代する。(2)明治期以降,I及びII([想定][前おき])のナラにもタラが進出する。Iのタラ進出例には[照準化]の特徴が認められる一方,[前提]用法には後の時代までナラを残しやすい。こういったタラヘの交代は,体言類及び活用語を受ける両条件句とも同様の軌跡を描く。(3)(1)(2)のように用法別にタラ進出に時間差が生じるのは,タラ用法との距離及び前件成立に際しての話者の関わり方に認められる違いによると考えられる。(4)タラと用法が重なる一部を除くとナラは(ノ)断定+タラに交代することから,ここにみる変化に限定していえば,関西語固有の分析的傾向を認めることができる。, With the advent of the Meiji period, tara as a conjunctive particle begins to be more often used than nara in some cases of the usages of subjunctive conditions in Kansai Japanese. Nara has two subjunctive usages: 1) usage following the statement of a fact or an actual condition and 2) usage following the statement of a supposed condition. In the Edo period, the transition from nara to tara takes place at first in the usage of 2), especially in the case of "supposition." In the succeeding Meiji period, nara is replaced by tara also in the both usages of 1) and 2) (in the cases of "assumption" and "introduction.") While the usage of 1) of tara instead of nara is generally seen in the case of "focusing," nara is likely to remain in use in the case of "precondition." These changes are observed in the conditional phrases following nouns as well as conjugated words. These temporal differences of the transition or replacement depending on the usages and their specific cases are considered to reflect the differences in the degree of representation of the speaker's judgment in each subjunctive expression. Moreover, it is concluded that the above changes result from the readjustment and analyzation characteristic of Kansai Japanese., application/pdf}, pages = {77--97}, title = {近代関西語の順接仮定表現 : ナラからタラへの交代をめぐって}, volume = {19}, year = {2006}, yomi = {ヤジマ, マサヒロ} }