@article{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00002163, author = {金, 順任 and KIM, Soonim}, journal = {日本語科学, Japanese Linguistics}, month = {Oct}, note = {東京外国語大学大学院, 本稿は日韓の社会人を対象としたアンケート調査を用い,日韓の第三者敬語運用のメカニズムの一端を実証的に明らかにすることを目的としている。分析の結果,聞き手が同等か目下の場合,日本語では第三者敬語はあまり使われないが,韓国語では第三者を高める割合が高く,絶対敬語を基調としていること,その一方で,親族に対する敬語使用においては相対敬語的な一面があることが明らかになった。さらに,日韓に共通してみられる動向として,最上位者の前で上位者に対し尊敬語を用いる傾向が強く,第三者も聞き手も両方高めてしまう新しい敬語法が使われており,このような傾向は,男性よりは女性,40代・50代よりは20代・30代で顕著であった。第三者敬語と聞き手敬語の相関関係については,日本語のほうが,聞き手と第三者を同時に高める「第三者敬語の聞き手敬語化」が顕著であることが明らかになった。, This study aims to clarify honorifics toward the third person based on a questionnaire survey of working members of society in Japan and Korea. The results of the survey are summarized as follows. (1) In the case of Japanese, honorific toward the third person is hardly used when a listener is equivalent or subordinate to the speaker, whereas in Korean, it is used at a high rate. (2) In the case of Korean, when the third person is the "father", 30% of the respondents did not use the respect form to their "subordinates" and "peers". I regard this as the relative honorificization of absolute honorifics. (3) In Korean, only half of the respondents observe the standard usage, called "Apconpep (restraint of the use of the respect form)". This may imply that a new type of honorific usage, in which respect is shown towards both the third person and the listener, is being used. This type of honorific usage is also observed in Japanese. (4) The tendency to show respect to the third person is more remarkable in women than in men, and in the 20~30's than in the 40~50's in both languages. (5) As for the correlation between the respect form towards the third person and that towards a listener, the "polite use of the respect form", which shows respect to both the listener and the third person, is observed more remarkably in Japanese than in Korean. This study confirms the predominance of politeness towards the listener in both Japanese and Korean as well as the similarities between the two languages in its acceptance process. This is related with the tendency of language change which progresses towards valorizing personal functions., application/pdf}, pages = {95--110}, title = {日韓の社会人における第三者敬語の対照研究 : アンケート調査の結果から}, volume = {18}, year = {2005}, yomi = {キム, スンイム} }