@article{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00002152, author = {鄭, 惠先 and JUNG, Hyeseon}, journal = {日本語科学, Japanese Linguistics}, month = {Apr}, note = {長崎外国語大学, Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies, 本研究は,文学作品と意識調査結果を資料として分析を行い,韓国語と日本語の複数形接尾辞の使用範囲の特徴を明らかにすることを目的とする。考察の方法としては,小説の対訳資料と両言語話者に対する意識調査結果を分析する。まず,前接する人名詞による共起領域の違いと関連して,つぎの2点を明らかにする。(1)普通名詞が不特定多数を指示する場合,韓国語では頻繁に複数形接尾辞を後接するが,日本語では複数形接尾辞を後接しない。(2)集団名詞や準集団名詞に,韓国語ではよく複数形接尾辞を後接するが,日本語ではあまり複数形接尾辞を後接しない。つぎに,意味解釈における用法の違いと関連して,つぎの2点を明らかにする。(3)韓国語の複数形接尾辞「들」は近似複数を表せないが,日本語の複数形接尾辞「たち」は,同質複数と近似複数の両方を表すことができる。(4)近似複数を表す日本語の「たち」に似通った性質を持つ韓国語の複数形接尾辞に「네」がある。, This study reveals the differences in context and usage of plural suffixes in the Japanese and Korean languages. The fundamental data were obtained from works of literature in both languages and the findings were reinforced with questionnaire surveys. Firstly to clarify the differences in context in which plural suffixes appear, the frequency and translation in literary works was investigated. In the next step, a questionnaire-survey of the native speakers' intuition of both languages was conducted to verify that the contexts mentioned above matched with the real usage. The differences in context in which a common personal noun takes a plural suffix are as follows: (1) When referring to an indefinite number of people, a common personal noun frequently takes a plural suffix in Korean while not in Japanese. (2) A personal noun of multitude or a simple collective personal noun takes a plural suffix very frequently in Korean while seldom in Japanese. The differences of usage of a plural suffix is as follows: (3) A Japanese suffix, -tachi, can refer to two kinds of plural, namely normal plural and plural of approximation, while its Korean counterpart, -dul, refers only to normal plural. (4) To refer to plural of approximation in the Korean language, another suffix, -ne, is usually used, instead of -dul., application/pdf}, pages = {27--46}, title = {日本語と韓国語の複数形接尾辞の使用範囲 : 文学作品と意識調査の分析結果から}, volume = {17}, year = {2005}, yomi = {チョン, ヘソン} }