@article{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00002137, author = {尾野, 治彦 and ONO, Haruhiko}, journal = {日本語科学, Japanese Linguistics}, month = {Apr}, note = {北海道武蔵女子短期大学, Hokkaido Musashi Women's Junior College, 久野(1973)以来,補文標識としての,「の」「こと」についての研究は,主にコンテクストが考慮されない文を対象にして,「の」「こと」がそれぞれ何を表すのかということについて論じられ,実際のコンテクストにおいて,「の」「こと」どちらも可能な場合における使い分けの要因についての考察はあまりなされてこなかったように思われる。本稿では,この問題に対して,認識論的・語用論的観点から考察を試み,「の」「こと」の使い分けには,語り手の心的態度が関与しており,認識対象に心的態度が関与しているときは「こと」が用いられ,そうでないときは,「の」が用いられることを小説の用例を基に論じた。また,いくつかの「こと」の用法(強調構文の主節に表れる「こと」,「の」感嘆文と「こと」感嘆文,命令を表す「のだ」と「ことだ」等)についても論じ,これらの「こと」の用法は心的態度の表れとして捉えることが可能であり,補文標識「こと」との関連性が示された。, Beginning with Kuno (1973), there have been many discussions about the difference between the meaning of no and koto. Most of these discussions have been concerned with what no or koto means, based on sentences taken out of the context, not within the context of a passage. What I would like to discuss in this paper is what factors will make us choose one form, not the other in a context where both forms are possible. This seems to be a question that has not been seriously discussed so far. What we need to answer this question is the cognitive and pragmatic viewpoint. We have shown in this paper, using examples from novels, that the selection of no or koto depends on narrator's mental attitude. Koto is used when the narrator's mental attitude is reflected in the complement sentences, and no is used when it is not. In other words, koto reflects the narrator's psychological commitment to the complement sentences. This explains the following koto usages that have not been taken into consideration thus far. Some of which are illustrated in the following examples. ・Koto used with complement sentences that include modal auxiliaries like daro, rashii ・Koto used with exclamatory sentences ・Koto used in kotodaro, kotoda It should be noted that these sentences used with koto express the speaker's intention. As a consequence, it follows that they tend to coincide with not with no, but koto which is a reflection of the speaker's mental attitude., application/pdf}, pages = {45--68}, title = {小説における補文標識「の」「こと」の使い分けについて : 語り手の心的態度の観点から}, volume = {15}, year = {2004}, yomi = {オノ, ハルヒコ} }