@article{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00002107, author = {小池, 康 and KOIKE, Yasushi}, journal = {日本語科学, Japanese Linguistics}, month = {Oct}, note = {筑波大学, Tsukuba University, 本稿は,日本語の言語変化の観点より,「おそらく」「たぶん」「きっと」「さぞ」「さだめし」などの推量のモダリティ副詞とそれらと共起する形式との関係が,明治期以降どのように移り変わっていったのかを,記述的考察を中心に解明しようとするものである。まず副詞自体の出現率の変遷については,「さぞ」と「さだめし」は明治前期(形成期)生まれの作家に,「おそらく」「たぶん」は昭和期(転成期)生まれの作家に,そして「きっと」は通時代的に使用率が高くなっていることがわかった。また,地の文で多く用いられる副詞には「おそらく」「たぶん」が,会話文で多く用いられる副詞としては「きっと」があったが,時期の変遷に伴って,出現する文にも変動が見られた。副詞と共起形式との関係においては,変遷のプロセスとして大きく三つのタイプを抽出することができた。すなわち,「おそらく」「たぶん」などの〈共起形式累加型〉,「きっと」の〈共起形式共立型〉,「さぞ」「さだめし」の〈共起形式呼応型〉である。そして,その共起のタイプに応じた仮説的な「共起モデル」を提示し,相互間の関連性について論じた。, This paper examines changes in the relationship between inferential modal adverbs (IMA)- osoraku, tabun, kitto, sazo and sadameshi and following forms (we call these "co-occurrence forms"), such as daro, nichigainai, kamoshirenai and the like. First, we survey the process of change after the Meiji period. Then, we present a model of historical change in the relationship between IMA and co-occurrence forms. When looking at changes in the occurrence ratio of each EMA historically, examples of kitto appear in each period. However, many examples of sazo and sadameshi are seen only in the writing of authors born in early Meiji, and the occurrence of osoraku and tabun rises in the writing of Showa born authors. And we find that number of occurrences ratio of use in narrative sentences and conversational sentences is different for each IMA: Osoraku and tabun appear in narrative sentences, and kitto and sazo in conversational sentences. The following three types (models) were identified in terms of the relationship between IMA and co-occurrence forms. 1) "Cumulative type": IMA co-occurring with various co-occurrence forms caused by the turning of the wheel of time. Osoraku and tabun belong to this type. 2)"Coexistence type": every co-occurrence form appears regardless of which time period, at almost a fixed rate. Kitto is an example of this type. And 3) "Concord -Koo-type": it co-occurs with only one form. Sazo and sadameshi correspond to this type., application/pdf}, pages = {48--71}, title = {副詞の共起形式に関する史的変遷 : 推量のモダリティ副詞を中心に}, volume = {12}, year = {2002}, yomi = {コイケ, ヤスシ} }