@article{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00002091, author = {加藤, 陽子 and KATO, Yoko}, journal = {日本語科学, Japanese Linguistics}, month = {Apr}, note = {東京大学大学院, University of Tokyo, 本稿は,Brown & Levinson (1987)で挙げられているフェイス軽減ストラテジーのうちの一つ,「話し手と聞き手を非人称化する」を故意に使用しない発話を行った場合,それが聞き手に対するface threatening act (FTA)のあからさまな表示になるのではないか,という観点から,討論形態の談話に現れるメタ言語表現を分析した。対象としたのは,双方ともVの部分に発言に関わる語が位置する「私は(~に)~とVている」と,「私は(~に)~をV」といった言語形式である。本稿では機能の点から「言明型」と「宣言型」という区分を立て,相互作用の揚面において,これらが聞き手に対するFTAのあからさまな表示となる理由・条件について述べた。, This study analyzes some metalinguistic expressions that function explicitly as "face threatening acts" (hereafter, FTA) within the framework of Brown & Levinson's politeness theory. Brown & Levinson (1987) have explained several strategies to avoid or minimize FTAs. This study focuses on one of the strategies, namely, "Impersonalize Speaker and Hearer" (i.e., avoid "I" and "you" by deleting performative verbs from performative sentences). If this strategy is intentionally neglected (in other words, if metalinguistic expressions that include 'I' and 'you' are used), it exposes FTAs. Based on this view, two live discussion TV programs that contain much conflict are analyzed. This study deals with two kinds of metalinguistic expressions: "watashi wa (hearer ni) ~to itteiru," and "watashi wa (hearer ni) ~o iu." The former is named "genmeigata" (re-explanatory type), which shows the speaker's irritation or anger. This study shows that "genmeigata" has an intrinsic function that threatens the hearer's face baldly. Unlike "genmeigata," bald FTA is not intrinsic to "sengengata" (declaration type). However, it expresses bald FTA if the formal expressions of "sengengata" do not contain expressions that show face redress, and if one of the following requirements is met: (1) a verb which has a negative meaning is used in place of "iu"; (2) "declared" action is interpreted as a challenge to the hearer; and (3) the declaration is made to win turns when several participants are competing., application/pdf}, pages = {7--30}, title = {Face Threatening Actを明示するメタ言語表現について : 討論形態の談話分析から}, volume = {11}, year = {2002}, yomi = {カトウ, ヨウコ} }