@article{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00002072, author = {畠山, 真一 and HATAKEYAMA, Shin-ichi}, journal = {日本語科学, Japanese Linguistics}, month = {Apr}, note = {東京大学大学院, The University of Tokyo, 日本語の代表的なとりたて詞の一つである「も」には,さまざまな用法があることが知られている。この用法の中に,いわゆる「詠嘆・含蓄」を示すと言われる「も」の一用法が存在する。本論文は,この「詠嘆・含蓄」を示すと考えられている「も」の用法の本質的特性がどのようなものであるかを明らかにすることを目的としている。本論文では,この用法の「も」が,(1)主題をマークし,(2)話し手の予想外の事態に対する驚きを表現する文に出現する,という2つの特性を持つということが明らかにされた。さらに,本論文では,この2つの特性から,「詠嘆・含蓄」を表す「も」は,述語を焦点に取るということが導かれた。そして,この用法が,その他の「も」の用法が持つ特性を併せ持っているということが示された。, It is a well-known fact that mo, which is one of the typical Japanese focus particles, has a so-called 'implicative usage' in addition to other usages. The problem of what is the nature of the implicative usage of mo and how this usage relates to the other usages, however, is still unsettled though many proposals have been presented in the field of Japanese linguistics. To resolve this situation, I present a theoretical analysis on implicative mo sapported with empirical evidence. The findings in this paper are summarized as follows: (1) implicative mo marks topics; (2) it indicates speakers' discovery or rediscovery of the unexpected events indicated by the sentences; (3) it is not only a topic particle but also a focus particle which focuses constituents followed by it. (1) is supported by the facts that implicative mo cannot follow NPs that denote unfamiliar things and that it almost always occurs in the subject position. (2) is evidenced by its collocation with amodal verb indicating speakers' surprise. (3) is concluded from (1) and (2). Based on these findings, I place this usage on the map of semantics of mo and explicate the intertwined mo usages., application/pdf}, pages = {59--78}, title = {いわゆる詠嘆・含蓄の「も」について}, volume = {9}, year = {2001}, yomi = {ハタケヤマ, シンイチ} }