@article{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00002043, author = {チャウェンギッジワニッシュ, ソムキャット and CHAWENGKIJWANICH, Somkiat}, journal = {日本語科学, Japanese Linguistics}, month = {Apr}, note = {筑波大学大学院, University of Tsukuba, 日本語の連体節を「限定」と「非限定」に分ける研究は少なくないが,「非限定」の連体節の機能はまだ十分に明らかにされているとはいえない。一般には,「非限定」の連体節は「情報付加」を表し,「限定」と違い,疑問のスコープに入らないといわれるが,益岡(1995)は,「非限定」の連体節の中には「情報付加」を表すとはいえない,疑問のスコープに入り得る連体節(氏は「述定的装定」と名づけた)があることを指摘している。本研究では,その「述定的装定」以外にも,「情報付加」の連体節の一部が疑問のスコープに入り得ることを指摘し,その種の連体節が「眼前事態の描写」という意味的特徴を持つことを論ずる。このタイプの連体節は,主名詞に対してある種の限定を行っているために,疑問のスコープに入ることができると考えられる。しかし,この場合の限定とは,「限定」の連体節の場合と異なり,他のものとの区別ではなく,主名詞自身の他の(時の)状態との区別をするという限定である。, Some linguists classify adnominal clauses in Japanese as 'restrictive' and 'non-restrictive,' citing semantic and syntactic distinctions (for example, Miyake, 1993 and Mihara, 1995). However, some adnominal clauses are difficult to classify as either 'restrictive' or 'non-restrictive'. In this paper, I show that some non-restrictive adnominal clauses have the same semantic features as restrictive adnominal clauses - that is, the WH-element can appear within them. First, in Section 1, I outline the characteristics of restrictive and non-restrictive adnominal clauses as discussed in previous studies. It is said that the WH-element can appear only in restrictive adnominal clauses. The non-restrictive adnominal clause is often referred to as 'jouhou-fuka' (i.e., an adnominal clause used to append additional information to the head noun), and it is widely held that the WH-element cannot appear in this kind of adnominal clause. However, Masuoka (1995) argues that there is one type of non-restrictive adnominal clause that is different from the 'jouhou-fuka' type (i.e., it is not used to append additional information). The WH-element can appear in this type of clause, which Masuoka refers to as 'jutteiteki-soutei'. In the present paper, however, I argue that the WH-element can appear not only in 'jutteiteki-soutei' clauses, but also in some 'jouhou-fuka' non-restrictive adnominal clauses. Since this kind of adnominal clause is used to refer to a situation or state of affairs unfolding before the speaker's eyes, I call it 'ganzen-byousha.' I investigate the semantic characteristics of this type in Section 2. In Section 3, I explain why the 'ganzen-byousha' type allows the WH-element to appear within it, even though it is non-restrictive, and in Section 4, I discuss the discourse function of the 'ganzen-byousha' type. Finally, in Section 5, I suggest that the construction of the 'ganzen-byousha' type is different from that of 'jouhou-fuka' within which the WH-element cannot appear. That is, it is similar to a conjoined sentence construction, rather than a topic sentence., application/pdf}, pages = {7--23}, title = {「非限定」の連体修飾節に関する一考察 : 「眼前描写」の連体修飾節について}, volume = {7}, year = {2000}, yomi = {チャウェンギッジワニッシュ, ソムキャット} }