@article{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00002026, author = {上野, 智子 and UENO, Satoko}, journal = {日本語科学, Japanese Linguistics}, month = {Apr}, note = {高知大学, Kochi University, 程度を表す「ばかり」は古く奈良時代に用例が認められ,先行研究によれば,時代を下るにしたがって限定の意味機能へ移行し,現代ではさらに強調機能が加わったと考えられる副助詞である。高知県方言では,この「ばかり」から変化したと言われる「バ(ー)」が,程度・限定の意味で全年層男女に頻用されるが,強調の意味機能は「バッカリ・バッカシ」が担い,現代共通語のみならず現代諸方言にも認められる「ばかり」の一般的変化は観察されない。つまり,高知県方言においては,同じ「ばかり」から変化した方言事象「バ(ー)」と「バッカリ・バッカシ」とがほぼ棲み分けられていることになる。しかし,周囲の四国・中国地方方言においては「バー」が「ばかり」からの変化形であることを裏づける音変化形が散在するものの,高知県方言と同じ機能を有する「バー」が微弱で,程度から限定・強調への移行状態を示す事象が主である。こうした瀬戸内海域を中心とした「ばかり」の変化形の存立は,周辺方言としての高知県方言の「バ(ー)」の古さを首肯させるが,音声上,最も進行した変化形「バ(ー)」の活発な状況は,古態性の残存というより,むしろ,高知県方言における「ばかり」の自己改新の姿と見るのが妥当であろう。, The auxiliary particle bakari was used to indicate degree from the Nara period (710-784) to the Muromachi period (1392-1573). Previous studies show that the function of this auxiliary particle gradually changed and came to indicate limit in addition to degree. Moreover, they show that nowadays bakari functions to indicate emphasis as well as limit. In the case of the dialect spoken in Kochi Prefecture, one finds the auxiliary particles baa or ba and bakkari or bakkashi, all of which are considered to be variants of bakari. The former indicates degree or limit while the latter indicates emphasis. Unlike bakari, baa or ba and bakkari or bakkashi of the Kochi dialect have their respective functions. In other words, these auxiliary particles have not undergone the semantic change that bakari has. The characteristics of the auxiliary particle baa or ba follow. 1. Baa or ba is frequently used after ordinal numerals to indicate quantity such as length, weight, capacity, the number of articles, an amount of money, age, time and so on. 2. Apart from baa or ba used after ordinal numerals to indicate quantity, it can also be used in combination with various parts of speech. 3. Baa or ba following demonstrative pronouns is apt to be phonetically changed to paa or pa. The auxiliary particle baa or ba of the dialects spoken in Chugoku and Shikoku surrounding the Inland Sea has a different semantic function from that of the Kochi dialect. In these areas, the function of baa or ba has been changing; it is mainly used for limit and emphasis rather than degree. The different use of baa or ba observed between Kochi Prefecture and the districts surrounding the Inland Sea draw our attention to the history of the auxiliary particle of the Kochi dialect. That is, judging from the fact that baa or ba, which is the phonetically shortest variant of bakari, is frequently used in Kochi Prefecture, the auxiliary particle seems to have been transformed into a kind of a new word., application/pdf}, pages = {89--108}, title = {高知県方言の副助詞「バー」の意味機能}, volume = {5}, year = {1999}, yomi = {ウエノ, サトコ} }