@article{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00002016, author = {岡崎, 敏雄 and OKAZAKI, Toshio}, journal = {日本語科学, Japanese Linguistics}, month = {Oct}, note = {筑波大学, University of Tsukuba, 外国人年少者に対する日本語教育への本格的取り組みは近年開始されたばかりである。現場の教師は手探りでこれに当たり,その中で言語教育観が形成されつつある。本研究は,形成されつつある教師の言語教育観に焦点を当て,日本語教育が必要な金国の外国人年少者の在籍する公立小・中学校の日本語教育に関わる全教師に対して質問紙による言語教育観の調査を行った。クラスター分析,分散分析の結果,全体として(日本語教育と共に)母語保持を重視する言語教育観が教師によって高く支持され,カナダのイマージョン・プログラムに典型的に見られる継続的二言語併用型の言語教育観が形成されつつあることが示された。しかしながら他方,日本の諸条件を反映して,同時に「少数散在型」「受容型」「滞在エンジョイ型」「短期滞在者への注目型」「現行制度枠内型」という性格を備えたものであることが示され,教育制度の異なるカナダのイマージョン・プログラムでの継続的二言語併行型言語教育との相違も明らかにされた。, In Japan, serious effort to grapple with Japanese language education for children from overseas has only begun in recent years. The present study focuses on the teachers' language education beliefs, which are in the process of being formed, and sets the following two topics for investigation: (1) what kind of language education belies are being formed, through interaction which children and their parents by the teacher who has taken on the Japanese education? (2) what kind of distinctive characteristics do these language education beliefs being formed in the Japanese context have, in comparison with overall picture of language education beliefs types which have been reported overseas, particularly in the United States and Canada? As the result, on the whole, language education beliefs having to do with parallel high regard for native language maintenance were rated highly, and overall picture is one of language analogous to those based on a continuous bilingualism model. In addition, the reason has also indicated why, at the present stage in Japan, there is an overall picture analogous to that in Canada (where language education beliefs based on a typical continuous bilingualism model were formed by a process in which parallel education in the native language institutionally) even though Japan has not shared a similar sequence of events. It seems that, in the overall case of Japan, although beliefs are similar to those of a continuous bilin-gualism model, at the same time, they posses the characteristics of a "population scattered minority type", "acceptance type", "enjoyable stay type", "type of focus on short-term stays" and "present system framework type"., application/pdf}, pages = {74--98}, title = {年少者日本語教育に関する教師の言語教育観}, volume = {4}, year = {1998}, yomi = {オカザキ, トシオ} }