@article{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00002005, author = {天野, みどり and AMANO, Midori}, journal = {日本語科学, Japanese Linguistics}, month = {Apr}, note = {和光大学, The University of Wako, 名詞述語文を考察対象とし,「前提・焦点」構造という観点から,「は」と「が」の機能を考察する。「が」名詞述語文は,従来,「が」の前に焦点句があるタイプのみが取りあげられることが多かったが,「が」の後に焦点句があるタイプ,「が」の用いられた文全体が焦点句であるタイプも存在することを主張し,それらに共通する「が」固有の機能は,主題表示機能・焦点表示機能ではなく,格表示機能のみであることを述べる。「は」は主題表示機能を持つため,「は」文は〈主題,前提の解釈をその文のみで行うことが可能である〉文として,「が」は主題表示機能を持たず,「が」文は〈主題,前提の解釈を先行文脈や状況に依存して行う〉文として理解される。, The function of the particle Wa and Ga in Japanese are normally explained using concepts such as "old information/new information" and "known/unknown". In this paper, I will explain their functions using the concept of "presupposition/focus". In a noun-predicate sentence with Ga, the function of the particle Ga has usually been explained as that of an "exhaustive listing" or "focus marker". However, the analysis of actual language data show many examples of "presupposition/focus" structures in Ga noun-predicate sentences. These are: Type 1: The focus is on the element in front of Ga. Type 2: The focus is on the element behind Ga. Type 3: The focus is on the whole sentence. I assert that it is not appropriate to explain that Ga as a focus marker because various types of Ga noun-predicate sentences exist. Furthermore, Wa marks a topic, whereas Ga does not. Therefore, Wa sentences have the following meaning: 〈The topic and presupposition of the sentence can be understood from the sentence alone without relying on the preceding context or the situation.〉 On the other hand, Ga sentences convey the following message: 〈Interpret the topic and presupposition of the sentence by relying on the preceding context and the situation.〉 The focus does not fall only on the element in front of the particle Ga. It may be on the element in front of the particle O or Ni. It may also fall on an adverbial element. Furthermore, it might exist as part of a predicate or a whole sentence. In Japanese, Ga is not the only particle that functions specifically as a focus marker., application/pdf}, pages = {67--85}, title = {「前提・焦点」構造からみた「は」と「が」の機能}, volume = {3}, year = {1998}, yomi = {アマノ, ミドリ} }