@misc{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:02000162, author = {セリック, ケナン and CELIK, Kenan and 中澤, 光平 and NAKAZAWA, Kohei and 麻生, 玲子 and ASO, Reiko}, month = {Jan, Jan}, note = {セリック・ケナン,中澤光平,麻生玲子「琉球祖語の再建に向けた比較データ構築用の枠組提案(UniCog)」の関連データ。, application/zip, 国立国語研究所, 信州大学, 名桜大学, NINJAL, Shinshu University, Meio University, Relevant data of CELIK Kenan, NAKAZAWA Kohei and ASO Reiko "UniCog: A Framework Proposal for the Dynamic Compilation of Comparative Data for the Reconstruction of proto-Ryukyuan".}, title = {[関連データ]「琉球祖語の再建に向けた比較データ構築用の枠組提案(UniCog)」の関連データ}, year = {2024, 2024} }