@article{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:02000050, author = {市江, 愛 and Ichie, Ai and 吉田, 暁 and Yoshida, Akira and 石黒, 圭 and Ishiguro, Kei}, journal = {国際学報, TMU Global Forum}, month = {}, note = {application/pdf, 東京都立大学, 城西大学, 国立国語研究所, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Josai University, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, In this study, we developed the ‘Simple Japanese Test’ for the use in Japanese language education and research, which can be used stably in various environments, is easy to operate, and can be administered without placing too much burden on learners. It is a computer-based web test and has two types: ‘Vocabulary’ and ‘Grammar’. Each test is in a four-way multiple-choice format, with a total of 60 questions, divided into four levels. The time limit was 30 minutes for each. In developing these tests, a trial study was conducted with 80 and 72 questions in each test. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, an indicator of internal consistency, was 0.945 for vocabulary and 0.951 for grammar, both of which were found to be highly reliable. Item analysis was also conducted, and the questions were refined based on item difficulty, item discrimination power index, choice rate and G-P analysis chart to prepare the test for practical use.}, pages = {19--27}, title = {日本語教育研究のための「かんたん日本語テスト」の開発 : テスト開発経緯と項目分析結果を中心に}, volume = {1}, year = {2022} }