@article{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:02000009, author = {加藤, 祥 and KATO, Sachi and 浅原, 正幸 and ASAHARA, Masayuki}, journal = {国立国語研究所論集, NINJAL Research Papers}, month = {Jul}, note = {目白大学, 国立国語研究所 研究系, Mejiro University, Research Department, NINJAL, 国立国語研究所報告57『比喩表現の理論と分類』データの電子化を行った。主に同書における指標比喩用例と結合比喩リストのデータを検索や参照が容易な形式に整備した。また,同データに対して,比喩分類,喩辞・被喩辞,『分類語彙表』に基づく意味分類,指標(指標比喩のみ),結合,印象評定などの追加情報の付与を行った。付与情報により,新たな観点の調査や確認が可能となった。, We digitized the National Language Research Institute Research Report "A stylistic study of the figurative" and constructed a database of figurative expressions in the Index (simile) and Combination (metaphor) systems. The database was designed to support the search for figurative expression examples in several respects. We also annotated the figurative expression classification, figurative index expressions (simile only), topic and vehicle pairs, and semantic categories with the "Word list by semantic principles," figurative combinations, and impression ratings. The annotation enabled us to explore the figurative expressions from new perspectives., application/pdf}, pages = {1--19}, title = {『比喩表現の理論と分類』データの電子化および情報付与}, volume = {25}, year = {2023} }