@article{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00001984, author = {相澤, 正夫 and AIZAWA, Masao}, journal = {日本語科学, Japanese Linguistics}, month = {May}, note = {国立国語研究所, The National Language Research Institute, 『東京語アクセント資料』をアクセント研究に有効に活用するためには,まず第一に,目的に応じた資料評価を十分におこなう必要がある。本稿では,資料評価のあり方とその方法を模索するために,事例として東京語の尾高型アクセントを取り上げ,『東京語アクセント資料』におけるその出現状況を問題とする。具体的には,既刊の4種の辞書のアクセント情報と対照させながら,それらとの異同を詳細に調査し,アクセントの計量的研究における資料面での問題点を指摘する。, A Dictionary of Tone-accent on Words in the Tokyo Dialect (1985) presents in tabular form a large amount of accent data with 12,803 word entries. Each of the entries lists the accent patterns obtained from each of nineteen informants who vary in age, sex, and the area in which they were raised (yamanote 'uptown' or shitamachi 'downtown'), as well as the accent patterns registered in four widely available dictionaries currently in use. The accent information in the four dictionaries mentioned above is very useful for the evaluation of accent data contained in this new dictionary in that we can easily examine the differences among them by comparing them to one another quantitatively or statistically. In this paper, making the most of this wealth of data, I seek a methodology for evaluating accent data. Taking the appearance of the word-final accent in the accent pattern system of nouns as a case study, I examine the data exhaustively and discuss the following points: 1. As a whole, the accent information in the new dictionary corresponds well to that in the four commercial dictionaries; therefore we can make good use of the former as the most up-to-date accent data for comparison with the latter. 2. However, the selection of the word entries in the new dictionary is idiosyncratic; therefore we should be careful when we use it as a source for statistical studies. 3. To give an example, the new dictionary contains many compound nouns which have a very productive suffixing element in common. As a result, many of the compound nouns with the same accent pattern are produced through the application of the same accentuation rule, causing a statistical skewing in the data., application/pdf}, pages = {80--91}, title = {『東京語アクセント資料』と辞書アクセント : 尾高型アクセントを事例とした資料評価}, volume = {1}, year = {1997}, yomi = {アイザワ, マサオ} }