@article{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00001921, author = {山下, みゆき and YAMASHITA, Miyuki}, journal = {日本語教育論集}, month = {Mar}, note = {メリーランド大学, 日本語母語話者及び中国人・韓国人学習者に意見提示の前置き表現の印象調査を行った結果,次のことが観察された。(1)全体的に日本語母語話者と中国人学習者は前置き表現の使用を評価していた。(2)日本語母語話者には用例間で前置き表現の評価に差が見られたが,中国人学習者には差が見られなかった。(3)日本語母語話者は説得の下地を築いたり対人的な配慮を示したりする前置き表現を,韓国人学習者は意見を明確に述べる機能を持つ前置き表現を高く評価した。前置き表現の研究は,作文指導の他にもスピーチの意見表明や聴解・読解指導における意見箇所の予測にも応用可能な意義あるものである。, This study shows the results of an investigation of the differences in the reactions of native Japanese speakers, Chinese learners of Japanese and Korean learners of Japanese to preliminary phrases in letters from readers to Japanese newspapers. The following results were identified: (1) Native Japanese speakers and Chinese learners of Japanese assessed similarly the necessity of preliminary phrases; (2) However, Chinese learners of Japanese did not make distinctions among all the meanings of preliminary phrases; conversely, native Japanese speakers were careful to make distinctions in the meanings of the same preliminary phrases; (3) Korean learners of Japanese evaluated highly preliminary phrases which gave opinions clearly, while native Japanese speakers favored those preliminary phrases that established foundations of persuasion and showed considerations for readers. The results of this study of preliminary phrases are not only pertinent to teaching composition, but also relevant to the expression of oral opinions, as well as the prediction of opinions, in both listening and reading., application/pdf, 英文要旨ページにおけるタイトル(英): How native Japanese speakers and learners of Japanese differ in their reactions to preliminary phrases in readers' letters to Japanese newspapers}, pages = {45--57}, title = {日本語母語話者と学習者による前置き表現の印象の相違}, volume = {18}, year = {2002}, yomi = {ヤマシタ, ミユキ} }