@article{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00001911, author = {才田, いずみ and SAITA, Izumi}, journal = {日本語教育論集}, month = {Mar}, note = {東北大学, 内藤の開発した個人別態度構造(PAC)分析法を用いて,学部レベルの実習生Uと大学院レベルの実習生Gおよび現職日本語教師Aの3名について,「日本語授業」に対する態度を分析した。結果として,Uの場合は,学習者に関する視点はあるものの表層的で,授業イメージも自己の関心の所在とイメージの具体化の度合いが一致しない。また,学習者に向ける目も,Uが,授業の中で学習者が何を行うかに着目するのに対し,Gは教師の対応が学習者にどう受け止められるかと,活動目的の明確化と習得の関係を意識している。Aは,学習者の自律的な学びを強く意識しており,3者の相違が浮き彫りにされた。, A survey on attitudes toward Japanese language lessons was conducted using Naitoo's Personal Attitude Construct (PAC) Analysis. The subjects were two teacher-trainees and a professional teacher (referred to as A, hereafter). The trainees were both majoring in teaching of Japanese as a foreign language and one was in an undergraduate course (U) and the other in a graduate course (G). As for the results, attitudes and images about learners revealed some differences among the three: U pays attention to what learners do in activities, for example, if the activity invites learners to speak. G wants to have learners laugh a lot and to make the classroom lively. G is also sensitive to how learners perceive and evaluate the teacher's behavior and classroom activities. A wants the learners to be autonomous and believes that classroom activities should be designed to equip learners with learning strategies., application/pdf, 英文要旨ページにおけるタイトル(英): Japanese language teacher-trainees' attitudes on language lessons : A comparison with that of a professional teacher}, pages = {1--15}, title = {日本語教育実習生の授業への態度 : 現職教師との比較}, volume = {19}, year = {2003}, yomi = {サイタ, イズミ} }