@article{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00001866, author = {鎌田, 美千子 and 仁科, 喜久子 and KAMADA, Michiko and NISHINA, Kikuko}, journal = {日本語教育論集}, month = {Mar}, note = {宇都宮大学, 東京工業大学, 本研究では,難易度が異なる文章をもとに中国人・韓国人日本語学習者によるパラフレーズの使用実態を調査した。その結果,難易度が高い文章,難易度が高くない文章双方において,学習者は母語話者に比べ,パラフレーズよりも原文からの抜き出しに有意に偏り,長い抜き出しが目立つこと,また,学習者は,難易度によってパラフレーズと原文からの抜き出しの割合に差がないことが明らかになった。このことから,要約において単に文章を提示しただけでは学習者が原文からの抜き出しにとどまる可能性があるため,パラフレーズを促す工夫や働きかけが必要であることが示唆された。, Paraphrasing is one of the most important skills used in academic writing. This paper aims to clarify the distinguishing features of Japanese language learners' use of paraphrases from the aspect of text readability in order to facilitate more effective Japanese language learning. This study examines learners' use of paraphrase and copy on difficult and not so difficult texts. The results of this study can be summarized in the following two points. First, the ratio at which learners make use of paraphrases is significantly lower than that of Japanese native speakers and independent of the difficulty of the text. Second, while a significant difference was observed in the ratio of Japanese native speakers' use of paraphrase and copy on difficult and not so difficult texts, no significant difference was observed in the ratio of learners' use of paraphrase and copy, which was also independent of the difficulty of the text. From the above-mentioned results, we conclude that there is a possibility of learners' relying on copies of the original text if only reading materials are given to learners. Therefore, providing learners with guidance on paraphrasing is a prerequisite for improving learners' summary skill., application/pdf}, pages = {19--33}, title = {文章の難易度とパラフレーズとの関係 : 中国人・韓国人日本語学習者と日本語母語話者の比較}, volume = {25}, year = {2009}, yomi = {カマダ, ミチコ and ニシナ, キクコ} }