@article{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00001431, author = {松倉, 昂平 and MATSUKURA, Kohei}, issue = {14}, journal = {国立国語研究所論集, NINJAL Research Papers}, month = {Jan}, note = {東京大学大学院人文社会系研究科 博士課程, Doctoral Student, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, The University of Tokyo / Project Collaborator, NINJAL, 福井県坂井市三国町安島方言は,語の長さにかかわらず常に3つの型が区別される三型アクセント体系を有する。本稿ではまず,安島方言において区別される3つの型(A型,B型,C型)それぞれがどのようなピッチパターンをもって実現するかを詳細に記述する。続いて,助詞・助動詞等のアクセント上の振舞いを取り上げ,自立語に後続する助詞・助動詞の種類によって文節全体の音調と型の中和パターンが大きく変わる現象を記述する。例えば,2音節名詞に助詞「ナラ」が付いた場合は3つの型が全て対立するが,助詞「ドマ」が付くとA型とB型が中和し,「ヤロ」が付いた場合はB型とC型が中和する。最後に,A,B,C各型の音韻論的な解釈を試み,本稿では,2種の式音調と下げ核の有無の組合せにより3つの型が区別されるという解釈案を提示する。, The Antoh dialect in Sakai City, Fukui Prefecture, has a three-pattern accent system, in which words have one of the three lexical accent patterns, Types A, B, and C, regardless of their length. This paper first describes the pitch patterns of the three distinctive accent types, and then discusses the accentual behavior of particles, which can drastically change the surface pitch pattern of the content word to which they attach. The same particles also cause accent neutralization; for instance, the distinction between Types A and B is neutralized when the particle doma ‘things like…’ is attached to a disyllabic word and that between Types B and C is neutralized when jaro ‘maybe’ is attached. In contrast, phrases consisting of a disyllabic word followed by the particle nara ‘as for’ or ‘if ’ retain the three-way distinction. Finally, this paper attempts to give a phonological explanation for the surface pitch realization of the three accent patterns, and proposes that the three patterns are phonologically distinguished by the type of tonal registers, which are lexical features deciding the direction of pitch movement up to the accented syllable, and the presence or absence of a lexically accented syllable after which pitch falls., application/pdf}, pages = {99--123}, title = {福井県坂井市三国町安島方言の三型アクセント : 付属語のアクセントと型の中和}, year = {2018}, yomi = {マツクラ, コウヘイ} }