@book{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00001373, author = {国立国語研究所 and The National Institute for Japanese Language}, month = {Mar}, note = {The aim of this report is to explain the techniques accumulated in the National Institute for Japanese Language through the construction of the Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese (CSJ) and to make them available to all who are interested. The CSJ is a large-scale database of spoken Japanese which is a result of the ‘Spontaneous Speech: Corpus and Processing Technology' Project jointly conducted by the Communications Research Laboratory, the Tokyo Institute of Technology and the National Institute for Japanese Language. KOISO Hanae and OGURA Hideki were in charge of editing this report. Contents: Chapter 1. MAEKAWA Kikuo: Outline Chapter 2. KOISO Hanae, NISHIKAWA Ken'ya and MABUCHI Yoko: Transcribed text Chapter 3. OGURA Hideki: Morphological information Chapter 4. YAMAGUCHI Masaya: Short-unit and long-unit database Chapter 5. MARUYAMA Takehiko, TAKANASHI Katsuya and UCHIYAMA Kiyotaka: Phrase unit information Chapter 6. FUJIMOTO Masako, KIKUCHI Hideaki and MAEKAWA Kikuo: Segmental phoneme information Chapter 7. IGARASHI Yosuke, KIKUCHI Hideaki and MAEKAWA Kikuo: Prosodic information Chapter 8. KIKUCHI Hideaki and TSUKAHARA Wataru: XML documents Chapter 9. MAEKAWA Kikuo: Information retrieval of CSJ Bibliography Index, 刊行のことば / 杉戸 清樹 第1章 概説 / 前川 喜久雄 第2章 転記テキスト / 小磯 花絵,西川 賢哉,間淵 洋子 第3章 形態論情報 / 小椋 秀樹 第4章 短単位・長単位データベース / 山口 昌也 第5章 節単位情報 / 丸山 岳彦,高梨 克也,内元 清貴 第6章 分節音情報 / 藤本 雅子,菊池 英明,前川 喜久雄 第7章 韻律情報 / 五十嵐 陽介,菊池 英明,前川 喜久雄 第8章 XML文書 / 菊池 英明,塚原 渉 第9章 CSJの検索 / 前川 喜久雄 参考文献 索引 後記, application/pdf}, publisher = {国立国語研究所}, title = {日本語話し言葉コーパスの構築法}, year = {2006}, yomi = {コクリツ, コクゴ ケンキュウジョ} }