@book{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00001372, author = {国立国語研究所 and The National Institute for Japanese Language}, month = {Mar}, note = {The usage of honorifics in Japanese language has been one of the major subjects of the researches by the National Institute for Japanese Language. Based on the achievements of previous honorific studies, the two projects conducted from 1992 to 1998 expanded the scope of study from honorific expressions in the narrow sense to the various aspects of “consideration” that people take when communicating with others. The analyses presented in this volume are based on two types of surveys conducted in four regions in Japan (Sendai, Tokyo, Kyoto and Kumamoto): interviews with 432 informants varying in age from teens to 80s, and a questionnaire administered to 1,136 high school students. Instead of making a uniform report of the statistical analysis of all the items questioned, the present volume consists of a collection of articles which feature particular analytical viewpoints of individual researchers. OZAKI Yosimitu and KUMAGAI Tomoko were in charge of editing this volume. Contents: Chapter 1. SUGITO Seizyu and OZAKI Yosimitu: From “deferential expressions” to “consideration in linguistic behaviors” Chapter 2. OZAKI Yosimitu, SUGITO Seizyu, KUMAGAI Tomoko and TUKADA Mitiyo: Outline of surveys Chapter 3. KUMAGAI Tomoko and SINOZAKI Kôiti: What moves to make in requests: Generational and regional differences Chapter 4. OZAKI Yosimitu: Expressions of consideration used in complying with request and recommendation Chapter 5. OZAKI Yosimitu: Expressions of consideration used in declining request and recommendation Chapter 6. ZINNOUTI Masataka: Duality of hedges: Consideration to keep distance and consideration to get closer Chapter 7. YOSIOKA Yasuo: Norm consciousness of honorifics Bibliography Interview and questionnaire sheets, 刊行にあたって / 杉戸 清樹 目次 第1章 「敬意表現」から「言語行動における配慮」へ / 杉戸 清樹・尾崎 喜光 第2章 調査の概要 / 尾崎 喜光・杉戸 清樹・熊谷 智子・塚田 実知代 第3章 依頼場面での働きかけ方における世代差・地域差 / 熊谷 智子・篠崎 晃一 第4章 依頼・勧めに対する受諾における配慮の表現 / 尾崎 喜光 第5章 依頼・勧めに対する断りにおける配慮の表現 / 尾崎 喜光 第6章 ぼかし表現の二面性 : 近づかない配慮と近づく配慮 / 陣内 正敬 第7章 敬語についての規範意識 / 吉岡 泰夫 参考文献 資料1 面接調査票 資料2 アンケート調査票 索引 後記 / 尾崎 喜光・熊谷 智子 執筆者一覧 奥付, application/pdf}, publisher = {くろしお出版}, title = {言語行動における「配慮」の諸相}, year = {2006}, yomi = {コクリツ コクゴ ケンキュウジョ} }