@book{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00001365, author = {国立国語研究所 and The National Language Research Institute}, month = {Mar}, note = {The goal of the present research was to undertake fundamental dialectal research related to dialectal survey methodology and the methods for processing and analyzing results of surveys, and to carry out small-scale experimental survey research to assist in the development of plans for future research. In the 10-year period up until 1986, we conducted survey research on 11 topics. This book contains reports on 5 of these topics. The contents and authors are as follows. 1. Quantitative Characteristics of the Forms in the Linguistic Atlas of Japan (SAWAKI Motoei): We analyzed the statistical distribution of the number of localities where forms appeared, based on the forms recorded on linguistic maps. 2. Dialectal Consciousness and Change in the Use of Dialects — in the Tyûkyô District (SANADA Sinzi): We conducted experimental research related to using dialectal consciousness as a means for prediction of future directions of dialect change. 3. The Influence of Age and Locality on the Special Phonetic Characteristics of a Dialect (IITOYO Kiiti): We investigated variation in context, survey methodology and investigator as it related to the special phonetic characteristics observed in the Atsumi region of the Nezugaseki area of Yamagata Prefecture. 4. The Accent System of Hukui City and its Suburbs with Specific Reference to Survey Methods, Age and Individual Differences (SATÔ Ryôiti): Using a variety of survey methods, we demonstrated a correlation of age with accent in Hukui City, which is said to lack an accent pattern. In particular, we found that older speakers spoke with a Mikuni accent, middle-aged speakers' accent was unpatterned, and younger speakers showed a change towards Tokyo accent. 5. Reevaluation of Surveys Conducted by Mail (KOBAYASI Takasi): Acknowledging the need to reexamine the advantages of surveys conducted by mail, which up till now have been considered less reliable than interview surveys, we investigated the efficacy and limitations of the methodology of survey by mail., 刊行のことば / 野元 菊雄 目次 CONTENTS 研究の概要 / 佐藤 亮一 『日本言語地図』の語形の数量的性質 / 沢木 幹栄 方言意識と方言使用の動態 : 中京圏における / 真田 信治 特殊方言音の地域差・年齢差 / 飯豊 毅一 福井市およびその周辺地域におけるアクセントの年齢差,個人差,調査法による差 / 佐藤 亮一 通信調査法の再評価 / 小林 隆 Summary 図表目次 奥付, application/pdf}, publisher = {国立国語研究所}, title = {方言研究法の探索}, year = {1988}, yomi = {コクリツ コクゴ ケンキュウジョ} }