@book{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00001314, author = {国立国語研究所 and The National Language Research Institute}, month = {Feb}, note = {This book reports on a survey of the speech of pre-school children from a morphological perspective for the categories of verbs, adjectives and predicative nouns. We used the same data, Pre-School Children's Speech Transcription Cards, for this survey as were used in Report 50, The Development of Syntactic Structures in Children's Speech from 3 to 6. For this survey, we divided the speech data from the Pre-School Children's Speech Transcription Cards according to a conjugation table and the morphology used. In our design we proposed several new approaches for grammatical research on morphological arrangement, design of conjugation tables, etc. Results of this research indicated that by 3 and 4 years of age, children had acquired the morphology of verbs, adjectives and predicative nouns for the most part. TAKAHASI Tarô directed and wrote the report for this survey., application/pdf, 執筆: 高橋太郎}, publisher = {国立国語研究所}, title = {幼児語の形態論的な分析 : 動詞・形容詞・述語名詞}, year = {1975}, yomi = {コクリツ コクゴ ケンキュウジョ} }