@book{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00001310, author = {国立国語研究所 and The National Language Research Institute}, month = {Mar}, note = {The purpose of this report is to show some of the results of an investigation into honorific expressions spoken in a local community in Japan. The present study is based on the materials obtained by a so-called “one-day investigation of verbal behavior” carried out in Matue (population about 110,000), the capital of Simane Prefecture in western Japan. The investigation was a part of the research project on “linguistic life”(this term covers various aspects of language use in daily life) in a local community conducted by the National Language Research Institute in 1963. Two points might be mentioned as the characteristics of the present study: first, the analysis of honorific expressions in the materials was consistently made from the point of view of discourse. Since every actual use of honorific expressions in the materials is always found in a discourse, many of the conditions relating to the selection of the elements of honorific expressions should be revealed by the analysis of discourse. In this study, all discourses in the materials were classified into several categories according to their functions in verbal communication (greetings, conversation for business, chatting etc.), tone of speech (neutral, joking, ironical, complaining etc.) and topics (matters in daily life, business, gossip etc.). And every actual use of the honorific expressions including polite expressions, exalted expressions, demand expressions and personal names as well as pronouns was examined in each category of the discourse. For example, a definite difference among the morphemes used in exalted expressions was found in examining the discourses in which they appeared; RARE appeared, in most cases, in the discourses of gossip and was used for the third person 194 times out of a total of 201. On the other hand, NASAR mainly appeared in the discourses of topics related to daily life or business matters and was used for the addressee 54 times out of a total of 60. Secondly, the computer system of the Institute was used for the processing of the materials. The Institute has been carrying out a large scale investigation into the vocabulary in newspapers since 1965, using the computer. However, the present study is the first attempt at the Institute in processing colloquial language materials. Lists of morphemes and words with their frequencies and other lists with contexts in KWOC form were made for further linguistic analysis. Although cooperative relationships between the linguistic analysis and the processing by computer remain to be improved in many respects, the attempt will suggest some clues for the development of study in this field. In this study, MINAMI Huzio was mainly in charge of linguistic analysis and MATUMOTO Akira in charge of processing of materials., application/pdf}, publisher = {国立国語研究所}, title = {待遇表現の実態 : 松江24時間調査資料から}, year = {1971}, yomi = {コクリツ コクゴ ケンキュウジョ} }