@book{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00001307, author = {国立国語研究所 and The National Language Research Institute}, month = {Dec}, note = {This report contains general results of the investigation for the following topics: (1) the nature of child-parent communication in the home, (2) differences in the role of primary school, middle school, and high school children in such communication, (3) differences between boys and girls at each age level, (4) differences between city children and farm village children, (5) differences between children of families of various occupational groups. In 1963-1964, a total of 2,974 children were investigated in two local cities, Hukusima City in Hukusima Prefecture and Matue City in Simane Prefecture, and one farm village, Yanagawa in Date-gun of Hukusima Prefecture. The children selected were in the fifth year of primary school, the second year of middle school, and the second year of high school. This research produced the following results and conclusions. (1) In communication, children are much more closely related to their mother than their father, regardless of educational level, sex, place of residence, and occupational status of the family. (2) There is a tendency for the communicative relationship of children to their father to weaken as they advance in age (school level) and for the relationship to their mother to become stronger. (3) In communication with their father, children tend to take a passive listening role, while with their mother they tend to take a more active speaking role. This tendency is particularly noticeable in the case of girls. (4) Compared to the communicative relationship between children and their parents, brothers, and sisters, the relationship to their grandparents is very weak. In particular, there is a great gap between children and their grandfather, and a similar gap in the case of brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law. (5) The relationship between brothers and sisters is second in strength to that with the mother, but the relationship with older brothers is weaker than that with older sisters. (6) From the standpoint of sex, girls are more closely related to the mother and sisters, while boys are more closely related to the father and brothers. In other words, family members of the same sex are more closely related than members of the opposite sex. (7) Generally speaking farm village children have a more passive attitude toward communication than city children. (8) Compared to the children of shop-owners and businessmen, farm village children have generally more passive attitude toward communication. (9) The words used by children in calling their father and mother are very different in farm villages and cities. In addition, there are great differences in those used in families of different occupational status. WATANABE Tomosuke was in charge of the study., application/pdf, 執筆: 渡辺友左}, publisher = {国立国語研究所}, title = {家庭における子どものコミュニケーション意識}, year = {1968}, yomi = {コクリツ コクゴ ケンキュウジョ} }