@book{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00001296, author = {国立国語研究所 and The National Language Research Institute}, month = {Mar}, note = {The present report, a sequel to Report 95 (1988), aims to elucidate the process by which infants and school children acquire characters in order to improve character instruction in schools. This study consists of 5 parts. Part 1: Historical overview of kanzi education focusing in particular on changes in the character list according to school year. Part 2: Analysis of tendencies in the acquisition of kanzi by infants and school children. Part 3: Analysis of survey questionnaire of elementary and junior high school teachers concerning kanzi instruction. Part 4: List of references related to kanzi acquisition. Part 5: List of kanzi to be learned by school children, classified according to the meaning of the kanzi. Investigators: SIMAMURA Naomi (Introduction and Chapters 1 through 3) and HAYASI Ôki (Classified List of Kanzi), application/pdf}, publisher = {国立国語研究所}, title = {常用漢字の習得と指導 付・分類学習漢字表}, year = {1994}, yomi = {コクリツ コクゴ ケンキュウジョ} }