@book{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00001287, author = {国立国語研究所 and The National Language Research Institute}, month = {Mar}, note = {This report summarizes the results of an inquiry, which was conducted between the 1965 and 1977 fiscal years, into the reliability of the Linguistic Atlas of Japan. At the time of this survey, the Linguistic Atlas of Japan (Report 30, published 1966 to 1974) consisted of a collection of expressions selected from the Japanese language used nationwide, which were used in specified contexts by people of a specified age, sex, and residence history within a specified semantic range. The geographic distributions of these expressions are given on maps in the Linguistic Atlas of Japan. In the section of the National Language Research Institute which directed this research we conducted various small scale surveys throughout Japan in order to ascertain the nature of the Linguistic Atlas of Japan while drawing the linguistic maps for the atlas. These surveys, which formed the present study, Reliability of the Linguistic Atlas of Japan, aimed to examine the diversity within linguistic varieties and other related aspects which were studied in the Linguistic Atlas of Japan. The majority of these surveys are noted for their research methodologies in the fields of sociolinguistic dialectology and structural dialectology. The contents of this report and their respective authors are as follows. Research Outline (SATÔ Ryôiti) 1. Variation According to the Number and Selection Conditions of Informants and Questions Used in this Survey: A Survey Conducted in Kôti City (KATÔ Masanobu) 2. Variation According to Age in One Locality and the Influence of Geographical Distribution: A Survey Conducted in the Vicinity of Utunomiya City (TAKADA Makoto) 3. Variation in Age and Locality: A Survey Conducted in the Vicinity of Hayakawa Valley, Itoigawa City, Niigata Prefecture (TOKUGAWA Munemasa) 4. Variation in Locality (Diatopic) and Situational Context (Diaphasic): Surveys Conducted along the Kumagawa River in Kumamoto (SATÔ Ryôiti) 5. Variation According to Locality, Age and Situational Context: A Survey Conducted on Hatizyôzima Island (SAWAKI Motoei) 6. Problems Related to the Lexical Fields Used in the Linguistic Atlas of Japan: A Survey Conducted in the Mountain Region of Tyûgoku and the Inland Sea of Japan (KOBAYASI Takasi) 7. Survey of the Same Informants 10 Years Later: Survey Conducted in All the Areas of Kyûsyû (SATÔ Ryôiti and SIRASAWA Hiroe) 8. Geographical Word Accent and Individual Variations: A Survey Conducted in the Southwest Region of Ehime Prefecture (SANADA Sinzi) There is also a summary in English and an index at the end of this volume., application/pdf}, publisher = {国立国語研究所}, title = {方言の諸相 : 『日本言語地図』検証調査報告}, year = {1985}, yomi = {コクリツ コクゴ ケンキュウジョ} }