@book{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00001284, author = {国立国語研究所 and The National Language Research Institute}, month = {Mar}, note = {The goal of the present research was to “develop a suitable standard for the fundamental general Japanese vocabulary which foreign students in Japan and other students of the Japanese language should study first in preparation for entering research in specialized fields and occupational training”. The vocabulary tables reported here were created in accordance with this objective. The procedure involved having 22 specialists in linguistics and in teaching Japanese as a foreign language select vocabulary according to a voting format. We asked them to select words which they thought were necessary for the above purpose from the vocabulary listed in the Word List by Semantic Principles (Source 6) and produced a finalized version of the vocabulary table after additional discussion of the totals thus obtained. The criterion for selection was “to choose approximately 6,000 fundamental vocabulary in accordance with the above objective and then choose approximately 2,000 of the most basic words from among these”. We processed the initial voting results statistically using a computer, had the second selection performed on the resulting list, and thus obtained 6,065 words as the “basic 6,000” and 2,030 words for the “basic 2,000”. We report two vocabulary tables here: a table which displays the basic 6,000 and basic 2,000 words in order of the Japanese 50-kana syllabary and a table which lists the words according to the semantic classification system given in the Word List by Semantic Principles. The fundamental educational vocabulary for Japanese should vary depending on the student's needs. Thus, the vocabulary lists reported here do not represent a comprehensive list appropriate for all students. We recommend that these tables be used as a reference when determining vocabulary to be included in actual syllabi, with this in mind. SIBU Syôhei wrote this report., application/pdf}, publisher = {秀英出版}, title = {日本語教育のための基本語彙調査}, year = {1984}, yomi = {コクリツ コクゴ ケンキュウジョ} }