@book{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00001279, author = {国立国語研究所 and The National Language Research Institute}, month = {Mar}, note = {This book reports on a survey of the development of semantic comprehension of categorical terms and dimensional terms in school children with the goal of learning more about the connection between language acquisition and conceptual development. Results are given for investigations of the following seven tasks. 1. Oddity Problem Task: We had children choose cards which belonged to the same category from a set of three picture cards. 2. Free Classification Test: We had children classify 33 picture cards freely into categories of their choice. 3. Comprehension Test of Categorical Terms: We had children choose cards for specific categories. 4. Classification Test by Number Appointed Method: We had children classify cards into a specified number of categories. 5. Word Definition Test: We had children define the meaning of categorical terms. 6. Conceptual Card-Sorting Test: We looked at the effect of learning experience on conceptualization. 7. Numeral Classifier Test: We investigated children's semantic comprehension of numeral classifiers. 8. Questionnaire on Class Inclusion: We asked children to identify the category which specific words belonged to. This survey is particularly noteworthy for examining the correlation among the results of a variety of tests conducted on the same surveyees. This survey was directed by HAYASI Ôki, MURAISI Syôzô, ÔKUBO Ai, IWATA Zyun'iti, SIMAMURA Naomi, SAITÔ Hidenori, MURAKI Sinzirô, SATAKE Hideo, TAKIZAWA Takehisa, and SATÔ Yasumasa. The report was written by MURAISI Syôzô and IWATA Zyun'iti., application/pdf}, publisher = {東京書籍}, title = {幼児・児童の概念形成と言語}, year = {1982}, yomi = {コクリツ コクゴ ケンキュウジョ} }