@book{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00001274, author = {国立国語研究所 and The National Language Research Institute}, month = {Mar}, note = {We predicted that acceleration in the development of linguistic ability of pre-school children would occur with the spread of television, picture books, etc. This book reports on a survey conducted on the lexical ability of pre-school children and contains the results of the following four surveys. 1. Adjective Test: We surveyed the semantic comprehension of a total of 26 adjectives divided into 13 pairs (adjectives which express properties and states, ‘big'/‘small', ‘numerous'/‘few', ‘fat'/‘thin', etc.) 2. Time and Space Words Test: We surveyed the semantic comprehension of a total of 46 words divided into 11 groups of nouns which express time and space, ‘above'/‘below', ‘outside'/‘inside', ‘morning'/‘night', ‘spring'/‘summer'/‘fall'/‘winter', etc. 3. Verb Test: We surveyed the semantic comprehension of 220 basic verbs, for example, ‘raise', ‘get up', ‘fall down', ‘rejoice', etc. 4. Questionnaire on Linguistic Life: This questionnaire was developed to investigate the relation between children's lexical ability and their home environment and linguistic customs. The semantic comprehension tests for vocabulary in 1, 2, and 3 were all conducted by controlling conditions with picture cards. We conducted the survey evaluating the children's semantic comprehension of vocabulary on three levels. MURAISI Syôzô and AMANO Kiyosi directed this research, and MURAISI Syôzô wrote this report., application/pdf}, publisher = {東京書籍}, title = {幼児の語彙能力}, year = {1980}, yomi = {コクリツ コクゴ ケンキュウジョ} }