@book{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00001269, author = {国立国語研究所 and The National Language Research Institute}, month = {Feb}, note = {This book reports on the quantity and uses of Chinese characters in data from a survey of the vocabulary in the Asahi, Mainiti, and Yomiuri newspapers published in 1966. The sample size consisted of an overall total of 991,375 running (total) characters, which contained 3,213 different characters. The estimated total number of characters in the population was approximately 60,000,000. This survey is noteworthy for considering both the percentage of characters used and the kind of linguistic morphological unit the characters could be used to represent. For this purpose, we divided character usage into nine categories: (1) independent, (2) compound, (3) affixal, (4) numerical, (5) abbreviated, (6) borrowed, (7) special KUN ‘(Japanese)-reading', (8) personal name, (9) place name. Then we classified each example according to these nine categories and quantitatively surveyed the use of each character. This book contains “An Outline of the Survey”, “Outline of the Results of the Survey”, and the “Index” as well as the following five tables: “Comprehensive Table of All the Chinese Characters in Order of Frequency of Use”, “Table of Actual Usages of the Chinese Characters”, “Table of the Chinese Characters Divided According to the Newspaper Column in which they Appeared in Order of Frequency of Use”, “Comprehensive Table of Chinese Characters According to Their Syntactic Usages” and “Table of Chinese Characters Classified by Category and Syntactic Usage”. This survey not only describes the actual usage of Chinese characters in newspapers in 1966, it also presents fundamental data for considering the role of Chinese characters in contemporary Japanese. HAYASI Ôki, HAYASI Sirô, SAIGA Hideo, ISIWATA Tosio, and TUTIYA Sin'iti directed this survey and NOMURA Masaaki wrote the report of the results., application/pdf}, publisher = {国立国語研究所}, title = {現代新聞の漢字}, year = {1976}, yomi = {コクリツ コクゴ ケンキュウジョ} }