@book{oai:repository.ninjal.ac.jp:00001228, author = {国立国語研究所 and The National Language Research Institute}, month = {Mar}, note = {This research is a summary of results of experimental phonetic research conducted over a long period at the National Language Research Institute with the goal of elucidating in detail the phonetic characteristics of articulatory movements in the standard pronunciation of modern standard Japanese (so-called hyôzyungo), in particular its syllables and phonemes. This report, a sequel to Report 60, consists of 3 chapters. Chapter 1. Introduction: First, we give an overview of our research goals and methodology, and a concise description of the perspective taken in this report towards the phonemic system of the standard language (hyôzyungo). Next, we present in chart form the group of utterances including nonsense words which was analyzed in this research, and explain our goal in the analysis of these utterances. Finally, we describe the methodology and experimental equipment. Chapter 2. This forms the main body of the report. We present in an organized form the following 4 types of phonetic data on articulatory movements, which were collected from the same standard Japanese speaker for the analysis: (1) cineradiographic data, (2) dynamic palatography data, (3) data on air pressure in the vocal tract, (4) data on the expiratory air flow. Chapter 3. Our detailed investigation of the 4 types of data presented in Chapter 2 consisted of a mutual comparison of these data and a contrastive comparative analysis of the phonetic data extracted from sound spectrograms of the sounds obtained from the articulatory movements in these data. Based on this analysis, we elucidate in detail the phonetic characteristics of articulation of all of the vowel and consonant phonemes in Japanese and of nearly all of the possible syllables in Japanese made up of a combination of these phonemes, during the standard articulated pronunciation of nonsense words which consist of 2 syllables for the most part. Primary Investigators: UEMURA Yukio (former Section Head of the Spoken Language Section, professor of Ryukyu University since March, 1976) and TAKADA Syôzi (former primary researcher of the Department of Language Behavior Third Research Section, retired in March, 1989)., application/pdf}, publisher = {国立国語研究所}, title = {日本語の母音,子音,音節 : 調音運動の実験音声学的研究}, year = {1990}, yomi = {コクリツ コクゴ ケンキュウジョ} }